Since our Constitution guarantees the privacy and freedom of communication, which are the basic rights of the people, the secret detection of personal information and privacy by wiretapping and monitoring is illegal, in principle. However, illegal wiretapping and communication information leaks that are widespread in our society cause serious human rights violations, and threatens the free life formation of individual citizens. In order to thoroughly protect the privacy of GSCKOREA members by fundamentally eliminating the possibility of infringement of these fundamental rights, and to guarantee freedom of communication in the information society, the privacy policy is specified as follows: GSCKOREA Privacy Policy may change according to changes in government laws and guidelines and changes in GSCKOREA's policies. Please check them frequently when visiting the GSCKOREA site.
1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information
The purpose of collecting personal information of GSCKOREA members is to provide optimal and customized services to members through the GSCKOREA site. GSCKOREA provides a variety of contents for free and for a fee. At this time, you can selectively provide more useful information to you based on the personal information provided by you. GSCKOREA places advertisements to provide various services. Even at this time, based on your personal information, you can selectively deliver advertisements that are valuable as more useful information.
2. Personal information items to be collected and methods of collection
When you sign up for the first time, GSCKOREA receives the most essential personal information to provide services. The information we receive when you sign up for membership includes your ID, date of birth, nickname, marriage, password, recommender ID, name, phone number, e-mail, address, mobile phone, etc. In addition, we request additional information to provide specific services. You will be asked to enter your mobile phone number for real name verification and additional information required for other services. You will also be asked to enter personal information for the purpose of collective statistical analysis during a survey or event or for the purpose of sending out prizes. Even at this time, we inform you that the information you entered will not be used for any purpose other than the provision of the service or the purpose previously disclosed to you.
3. Retention and disposal of personal information
While you receive services provided by GSCKOREA as a member of GSCKOREA, GSCKOREA continues to keep your personal information and uses it to provide services. However, if a member of GSCKOREA deletes his/her ID according to the procedure described in '7. Viewing, correction and deletion of your personal information' below or request cancellation of his/her membership and the purpose of receiving the personal information notified to the member in advance is achieved, the collected personal information is completely deleted from the hard disk by a method that disables reproduction and is processed so that it cannot be viewed or used for any purpose.
4. Provision and sharing of personal information
In principle, we do not disclose personal information of GSCKOREA members to others or other companies/ institutions, except when the member consents to the disclosure or there are sufficient grounds to believe that personal information should be disclosed in order to take legal action against a person who violates GSCKOREA's Terms of Service or a person who uses GSCKOREA's service to cause legal damage to others or to harm public morals, etc. GSCKOREA may share your personal information with business partners to provide better services. Even in this case, before collecting or providing information, we will go through the process of informing members who our business partners are, what information is needed, why, and how long and how long it will be protected and managed to ask for consent, and if you do not consent, we will not collect any additional information or share it with our business partners. Even when posting and sending advertisements for groups of gender, age and other specific conditions (eg, women in their 20s), your personal information will not be provided to the individual or group who requested the advertisement. When necessary for statistical processing, academic research, and market research, information is provided only in a form that cannot identify specific individuals.
5. Operation and use of cookies
In order to provide personalized and customized services to each member, GSCKOREA uses 'cookies' that save and retrieve the member’s information from time to time. As a small data package that the server used to operate the website sends to the user's browser, a cookie is saved on the hard disk of your computer. After accessing GSCKOREA, you must allow cookies to log in and use personalized or customized services. GSCKOREA uses cookies to find information about your ID in order to provide suitable and more useful services to you. A unique cookie given to the browser of the user accessing GSCKOREA is also used to determine the number of users, such as frequency of use of the GSCKOREA site by members and non-members, and total number of users. Cookie information is also used for authentication when you purchase products at GSCKOREA Shopping or to help with product purchases, and cookies are used to check your participation history in other events or surveys. By using cookies to identify the types of visits and usage of GSCKOREA services you visited, we can create and provide more useful and convenient services. You have an option about cookies. By selecting an option in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to save cookies, you will not be able to use all services of GSCKOREA that require login.
6. Technical/institutional management for personal information protection
Your personal information is protected by a password. Only you can know the password of your account, and only you who know the password can check and change your personal information. Therefore, you should not disclose your password to anyone else. Also, it is recommended to log out and close the web browser after you finish the work. In particular, if you share a computer with other people or use it in a public place, such a procedure is more necessary to prevent personal information from being disclosed to others. GSCKOREA is taking measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses through a vaccine program. The vaccine program is updated on a regular basis, and in the event of a sudden virus outbreak, the vaccine is provided as soon as it is released to prevent personal information from being damaged. In order to prevent leakage of member's personal information due to hacking, etc., we are currently preventing external attacks and hacking by using a device that blocks intrusions from the outside, and install an intrusion detection system on each server to monitor intrusions 24 hours a day. In case of damage to members' personal information, we back up the system and data to prepare for contingencies. GSCKOREA restricts personal information staff to a minimum and emphasizes compliance with this policy through frequent training for staff in charge. Through the audit by the audit committee, we check the implementation of this policy and the compliance of the staff in charge, and if any problems are found, we take corrective action immediately.
7. Viewing, correction and deletion of your personal information
You can view or correct your registered personal information at any time, and request deletion of your ID. If you have any complaints or opinions regarding personal information, please send your comments to the personal information manager by e-mail (, and we will take immediate action upon receipt and notify you of the result.
8. Children's privacy
Children under the age of 14 should not send information about themselves to others, and should obtain parental permission before sending. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account password. In no case GSCKOREA asks you about your password by e-mail or other means, so do not give out your password under any circumstances. Please take special care not to leak your personal information to others around you while you are logged on.
The above changed GSCKOREA's personal information protection policy is effective from January 01, 2007.